Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Device Driver Using Eclipse

Basic Device Driver Using Eclipse

Hi friend, Development of Device Driver for kernel of is a tedious task but if you have your best IDE Eclipse then this work will be very easy.
In this article I am going to show how you can develop your basic device driver with Eclipse using Linux Kernel Development Plug in.

Basic Requirement:

  1. Linux Ubuntu/Debian or other
  2. Eclipse IDE
  3. Linux Kernel Development Plug-in

Steps for Creating Basic Driver:

First we need to install the Eclipse plug-in that is Linux Kernel Development from  Eclipse Market   Place.


After successful installing of plug-in in your IDE, Kindly Restart  your IDE. Now you will see the new icon in your eclipse.Now we ready to create the our first Driver.

Go to project create new project from Select Wizard  and choose the new Device Driver Project.

Now Give Name for your Driver. In this sample I gave name as MyDriver and author name pankaj  as you can see in this image.Click Finish.

Now you can see that your sample device driver is ready in Package Explorer.
In your workspace one MyDriver.c file is there.This file is auto generated file by eclipse. Now your Driver module is there to load in your kernel.


For adding this module to kernel you have to select project  and go to  utility in  in following way which is given below-

After that
